There is not a single company on the planet currently planning their growth strategy without giving serious consideration to the technology, digital and data & analytics capabilities available to them to help accelerate that plan. In fact, digital and driving greater data insights are at the very core of most companies’ growth strategies. Yet, despite all of this, it’s striking how few Boards are made up of people with a deep technology or digital background to steer them through the complex road ahead. At The Digital Board, our mission is to bridge the gap between technology leaders and the Board. Read more to find out how we can help both organisations and technology leaders themselves to close the gap.

An introduction to the NEDTech Hub…

  • Hiring NEDs
  • Critical Friends 
  • Advisory Boards
  • Board Resources

How NEDTech Hub can help you:

Find out more about NEDTech (in podcast form) with Brad and Lara.

It's all about rebalancing the conversation: First and foremost, a Digitally enlightened Board will help improve communication, trust and strategic business alignment between your business strategy and digital opportunity. Interactions between executive management and boards have historically been episodic, typically occurring only at quarterly board meetings. Overlay this with rapidly changing technology, and the evolving business landscape, and it might suggest that boards and technology leaders should stay connected and engaged outside of board meetings.  So far at least, the evidence suggests, that when it comes to technology, many boards resort to a more defensive position at the expense of topics related to technology-enabled business growth and expansion, such as developing new capabilities, business models, and revenue streams. 

Hiring NEDs

1.Provide a clear Strategy and Vision

Our people can help deliver a clear roadmap and understanding of how digital technologies can support your business objectives, aligning your efforts, making effective decisions, and managing resources efficiently.

2. Focus on change leadership

 Our team can help you with a change management strategy that involve effective communication, employee training, and leadership support to guide employees through the transformation process and help them embrace the changes.

3. Address critical talent gaps

.Our team can help you identify the skills required for digital transformation and either coach existing employees or help hire new talent with the necessary competencies. Additionally, they can help you foster a culture of continuous learning and provide employees with opportunities to develop new digital skills.
“Critical friends” are the experts you surround yourself with when you’re in the middle of a complex business led, technology transformation.  While our team operate as trusted advisors to CEOs, offering “experienced-based” (independent & impartial) advice, they are not Consultants looking to expand the relationship in order for the pyramid to follow. 

Critical Friends

An Advisory Board can succinctly articulate value (and risk) in your strategy and can help your organisation navigate the path ahead with the benefit of their experience. They are used to working at board level and are as comfortable engaging on strategic topics as they are on business operations. All of these individuals have extensive experience of managing large scale technology transformation programmes.

Advisory Boards

Improves communication, trust and strategic business alignment: Improves interaction between executive management and boards improve. Brings clarity to the rapidly changing technology and evolving business landscape. Helps Exec leaders stay connected and engaged outside of board meetings. Helps organisations understand and implement technology-enabled business growth and expansion plans through new capabilities, business models, and revenue streams.

Throughout the process, we are accountable for the ongoing strategy and implementation of The Digital Board Series, in addition to maintaining regular communication with the client and Digital Board members. A Digital Board Account Manager will be assigned to own and execute the project.

Meetings are facilitated effectively, ensuring that all present have a voice in the room. Organic conversations are facilitated, but attendees will also be prompted when necessary. We also try and make sure that all of the agreed-upon topics area addressed in the allotted time.

Our Board Resources Library has over 500 resources and caters to both existing NEDs and aspiring NEDs
The library contains:

Board Resources

All of the content neatly aligns to these 6 important categories:
  • Digital & Boards

  • Overview of Boards

  • Board Effectiveness

  • Future Boards: the changing board

  • Skills Required

  • Courses / Accreditation